New Beginnings - Again!

 This blog started as a foster child,or an afterthought, meant to support my one true blog- However, that purpose was soon lost, but, as happens so often in our lives - when one way is lost, destiny shows us another.It took me twenty five years of  medicine, and a couple of years of blogging to publish my first book - The Battle of Panchavati. It took another couple of years and another book - Daffodils: A Bouquet of Short Stories - to make me realize the usefulness of this blog site.
After so many years of writing and blogging and struggling with finding purpose to my writing and finding my niche or my genre in writing, I have realized that the only serious writing I can do (so far) is mythological short stories. But then what about the random thoughts floating around in my head? What would happen to them? Weren't they the reason I started blogging in the first place? Weren't they the reason that 'Random Musings', my shared blog site and then my personal blog site, were started? Yes, yes, yes to all of these questions. 

And so I come back to where I started, like we most often do in our lives. And my great discovery is that I will use as my structured blog, for serious writing - and this one for my random ramblings. For often, some great thoughts emerge from random ramblings. So here I am, this Sunday morning, checking the Bestseller rank of my book on Amazon and writing my First blog - again. 

It's funny how life goes round and round and keeps repeating herself, till we begin to understand its purpose. Or do we? 

Am I any wiser now, than I was before? Will I ever be? No one knows - least of all me. But I know this, I will always be honest in my assessment of myself, my strengths and most of all my weaknesses. Honest, and brutal! 

And so, Happy Sunday - and so long, till another blog. Another random musing. 


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